Parents – 5 tricks for a smooth air travel with a baby

Any new adventure with a tiny little baby gives you enough reason to rethink your plans, hence, an air travel with a baby is a big decision. I totally get it, it took me months before I finalized my 18hour flight with my 6month old munchkin.
These 5 things saved my life during that and all the flights that followed.

  • Feeding cover/ enough formula – If you are nursing, a feeding cover is a good friend and if you plan to give formula/bottle in flight, make sure you have enough of and more of everything you need, from bottles to warm water (yes carry some), flask, cleaning supplies for bottle and anything else.
  • Bassinet seat – this makes it easy for the baby as and when they fall asleep. And it gives you some time to breath and maybe eat or even take a mini nap.
  • Baby carrier – This is a big asset for all the work around the airport as well as for those walking in the flight itself (my experience in a 18hr flight). Our Ergobaby saved us.
  • Extra set of clothes (for baby and you) & Diapers – Carry, layers of clothing, socks, caps, swaddle cloths, extra wipes and maybe a diaper for each hour of journey.
  • Travel feeding pillow and favorite toys/books – A feeding pillow even taking formula in the comfort of your lap, the comfort makes a big difference for the babies. And having their favorite toy/book around (carry more if you can) makes it easy t distract them in flight.

It’s a scary thought but trust me, the journey will keep you busy but it won’t be that hard. Take a deep breath, prepare will in advance, rethink the travel from your baby’s point of view (so you don’t miss any of her needs) and give yourself enough time for every process at airport.

Get, set and go!
