We are always making a decision, involved an action.
We cannot exist in inaction,
Because even choosing not to do a certain act, in the action of not doing it.
When we have to do something either ways,
Why not try and do what’s right?
It may be hard, and sometimes break us down.
But deep within, we always know if its the right thing to do.
And actions are not just physical,
We do mental actions and energy body actions.
And here, every thought counts.
The struggle is harder, because there is nothing physical in the mental world,
And no one can tell us what is right, but ourselves.
Every thought is like a seed, which would bloom
And soon, fill the garden of our mind.
(Remember the thoughts of ego or self-doubt,
Those little fellows are like weeds, they grow with minimum effort and nurturing
But pretty soon take over our garden if unattended.)
So, let’s choose our people wisely,
As we absorb energy from people we spend most time with.
It is also critical, not to lose touch with the voice within.
It may be soft, but, it is our guide.
It is like our personal GPS, to that space of inner peace.
When the world outside seems like a blur,
Let’s use that soft voice, that light within, to navigate our way.
We often wish for life to be easy, but think of it,
None of the Gods or guides in any faith had it that way.
Maybe we cannot accomplish our missions without certain triggers.
We need to go through, to get there.
Let’s have faith, and, go in when it feels like we can’t make it through.
Let’s visit and revisit that space within, until,
The path is ingrained in our system.
Our power is lying within, we just need to plug in,
And stop being dependent on external power suppliers.
Since, we cannot survive in inaction,
Let’s choose our actions well.
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